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How Anderson's CMD Works the Detailed Video

What is MFA Andersons's CMD ? एम.एफ.ए. एंडरसन के सीएमडी क्या है?

47 years old Anderson’s CMD is based on the Dr. Linus Pauling, two times Nobel Prizes winner has proved in his thesis that “You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency”

Anderson’s Low-Sodium CMD is a highly concentrated liquid mineral supplement from Utah’s Great Salt Lake. It contains the same basic mineral balance as sea water except that it has been concentrated to nearly 50 times the concentration of sea water through a natural solar evaporation process with nearly 99 percent of the sodium removed.

The minerals in Anderson’s CMD are in a natural, ionic, electrolyte solution—the same form as the minerals found in the fluids of the body. This is also the same form as many of the elements in pure, natural drinking water.

Anderson’s CMD is a rich source of magnesium, an essential mineral for human health. Two milliliters provides half of the Daily Value for magnesium. Anderson’s CMD is also rounded out by a complete balance of full spectrum naturally occurring minerals and trace minerals, yet is low in sodium.100% Natural. No artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, etc. No artificial ingredients whatsoever
Liquid Forms Ensures Rapid Absorption…No More Pills

Outstanding International Quality Assurance:
- GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe)
- Kosher and Halal certified
- cGMPs (Good Manufacturing Practices)
- FSSAI India
- US AVA ( American Vegiterian Society)

MFA Anderson's CMD कहाँ से प्राप्त करें where to get from ?

We are the Authorised partner for selling and distributing Original MFA Anderson's CMD in all over  India.
हम एम्. फ. ए. के अंडर्सन्स सी. एम्. डी. को पूरे भारत में बेचने और लोगों तक पहुँचने के अनुमति प्राप्त साथी हैं।
We provide  Agency and distributorship to interested peoples FREE of cost in All Over India.
हम रूचि रखनेवाले लोगों को अंडर्सन्स सी. एम्. डी. की एजेंसी और डिस्ट्रीब्यूटरशिप पूरे भारत में बिना किसी रकम के मुहैय्या करवाते हैं।

Also visit to collect personally from below address or Contact for Home Delivery all over India :
हाँथो हाथ प्राप्त करने के लिए या पूरे भारत में घर बैठे प्राप्त करने के लिए संपर्क करें।

Koharr Health : +91 9769508345 / 845190 4849
Office : G07 / B - Wing , Rawal Enclave building, Rawal Nagar, Opp: Rawal School,  Near station.Mira Road East , Mumbai 401107

Listen from the Horses Mouth - Actual Result of Anderson's CMD 


Other  Best Health Supporting Ayurvedic Products with Anderson's CMD to recover Health Faster:



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