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Anderson’s CMD – Concentrated Mineral Drops

Anderson's CMD
Anderson CMD (Concentrated Mineral Supplement) is the flagship product of Mineralsforall. MRI (Mineral Resource International) is the original producer and manufacturer of Anderson CMD and it is sourced from The Great Salt Lake of Utah, USA. On January 01, 2011, MRI was switched to Itspossible marketing Ltd with exclusive distributorship for product, and soon after that MRI decided to change the nameMRI CMD to Anderson’s CMD with an assurance of quality and same authenticity. Anderson’s Concentrated Mineral Drops is the combination of nature and science, which contains all the essential minerals for the proper functioning of human body. Product is authentic and is the full-spectrum mineral complex made with love and care.
Anderson CMDSometimes our food doesn’t contain minerals due to impurities and artificial vegetables and bakery products. Human body can utilize minerals without vitamins, but vitamins and other important nutrients are basically useless in the absence of minerals. It is well known fact that the human body needs 60 minerals in order to maintain an ailment and disease free state, so it’s easy to understand the importance of minerals in human life. Anderson’s CMD (Concentrated Mineral Drops) is combination of ionic minerals, including both macro and micro minerals to fulfil your mineral requirement. Now you have an option to consume the Anderson’s CMD as the most reliable mineral supplement, all you need to do just add 20 drops per day for adults and 5 drops for children in food or drink.
Anderson’s CMD is concentrated and desalinated (very low sodium) through solar evaporation in The Great Salt Lake of Utah, USA. Product is subjected to extensive testing constantly monitoring according to US Environmental Protection Agency standards to ensure the absence of any contamination. Anderson’s CMD fulfil all of the standards of food-grade Certificate of Analysis specifications. MRI carefully formulates from its products to reflect the most current technology and scientific research concerning vitamins, minerals, enzymes and herbs. It has been analysed that how this synergy will enhance the overall potency of the product.
Anderson’s CMD has certifications from various research organizations such as; American Vegetarian Association, NSF International (GMP), Ifanca Halal Product Certificate, Certificate of Registration (ISO), Star-K-Kosher certification and more. It provides excellent quality and standard in each drop, as it contains all minerals, which are needed for the proper functioning of human body. Mineral Resource International’s (MRI) manufacturing site is registered under the FDA’s Public Health and Bio-Terrorism Preparedness and Response Act.
In India more than 1 million customers have already purchased this iconic product and have experienced amazing results. Minerals forge our skeletal structure and they also help in muscles functioning, transmitting messages throughout the central nervous system, and to keep our hearts beating. Human body needs a specific amount of minerals each day. Scientifically minerals work in synergy with vitamins to perform biochemical physiological functions. We can say that without supplementation, it is not likely that we can eat enough food to get the full range of essential trace of minerals required to obtain optimum health and longevity.
For more details call at +91-8588846983 or visit us at


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