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Magnesium; why we need it?

Magnesium MFA
Minerals and vitamins make the human body perfect. Although the human body gets all minerals and vitamins from the food you eat every day, some foods have more minerals and vitamins than others. Minerals are the inorganic elements that come from the water and soil; vitamins are an organic substance that comes from plants and animals. Human body needs the larger amounts of some minerals, such as Magnesium (Mg), Calcium (Ca) to grow and stay healthy. Other minerals are chromium, copper, iodine, iron, selenium, and zinc; they all are called as trace minerals because human body needs a very small amount of them every day.
Minerals are so essential nutrients for disease prevention and perfect health. Minerals can be classified according to the amount your body needs per day. The minor minerals or trace elements is that, we need less than 100 mg a day while main minerals or major elements is a mineral that we need more than 100 mg a day. Minor minerals are last but not least because minor mineral deficiency can cause serious health problems. In case if the diet is not properly balanced with minerals it may need to take mineral supplements.
Why Magnesium (Mg):
Magnesium is alkaline earth metal and is the 8th most abundant element in the Earth’s crust. Magnesium is one of the most underrated minerals, and is the part of over 300 biochemical chemical reactions in human body. It keeps your cell healthy, provides energy and enables your cells to communicate with one another to enhance optimal functioning. Magnesium plays a vital role to keep your bones strong, regulate blood pressure and prevents insulin resistance and migraine headaches.
Magnesium deficiency is probably the most common nutritional deficiency of human body. Magnesium is an incredibly versatile and important nutrient, but till now no one has yet popularized a simple way to remember it, we normally associate potassium with bananas, calcium with bone health, and sodium with blood pressure. Magnesium is also a natural blood thinner and it may help to prevent heart attacks and strokes.
Source of Magnesium (Mg):
Green vegetables, fruits, and dry fruits are the rich source of magnesium, some other sources are;
ü  Fruits or vegetables (such as bananas, dried apricots, and avocados).
ü  Nuts (like; almonds and cashews).
ü  Peas beans and seeds.
ü  Soy products.
ü  Whole grains.
ü  Brown rice.
ü  Swiss chard and molasses.
ü  Sunflower.
ü  Dry cocoa powder and Chocolate.
Side-effects due to increased magnesium intake:
It’s very common, because human body removes excess amount of anything.
Side effects due to deficiency of Magnesium:
Deficiency of magnesium can occur in people, who absorb less magnesium in diet or people who abuse alcohol. Symptoms due to lack of magnesium can be;
ü  Muscle weakness
ü  Hyper excitability
ü  Sleepiness
ü  Poor memory
ü  Reduced ability to learn
ü  Heart (cardiovascular) changes
ü  Rapid heartbeat


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