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Concentrated Mineral Drops

Products we are proudly presenting CMD Drops (Concentrated Mineral Drops). These are manufactured by using cutting edge technologies in sophisticated manufacturing facilities. These are made under stringent quality norms by complying with well defined standards of industry. It restores balance of metabolism and promotes good health if consumed regularly. These are extremely safe to consume. The concentrated minerals boost energy, arrest ageing processes and relieve muscular as well as arthritic pain. These are available at very economical prices.


  • Highly effective and safe

  • Longer shelf life

Anderson's CMD Mineral Drops

Anderson’s CMD
Anderson’s CMD- Concentrated Mineral Drops is the original, sea mineral supplement from Utah’s Great Salt Lake, made through evaporation. It is HALAL and Kosher certified product and has been produced under international GMP regulations. It directly works on our body cells to assure healthy living by restoring the minerals in purified water, thus giving the body the minerals it needs to be healthy. It is 100% natural with no other ingredients added. It contains a full spectrum of all the minerals in a balance natural to the body. It is highly concentrated being 78 times more concentrated than sea water and contains over 72 ionically charged trace minerals.Minerals are essential to promote bone health, acid base balance, hormone regulation, cardiac health, electrolyte balance, body development and immune strengthening. The lack of specific minerals can lead to many health problems like osteoporosis, heart diseases, cancer, arthritis, goiter, gastrointestinal disorders, periodontal disease and anemia. So, Anderson’s CMD is the perfect solution for replenishing your body with the nutrients you need to maintain optimum health.

Concentrated Mineral Drops

Concentrated Mineral Drops

CMD) is the most modern combination of vitamins & minerals extracted from pollution free environment, Hawaiian Ocean, USA in collaboration with Hawaiian Herbals, Hawaii USA.
CMD restores the minerals in purified water, thus giving the body the minerals it needs to be healthy. It is 100% natural with no other ingredients added. It contains a full spectrum of all the minerals in a balance natural to the body.
It is highly concentrated being 78 times more concentrated than sea water and contains over 84 ionically charged trace minerals. CMD is the perfect solution for replenishing your body with the nutrients you need to maintain optimum health.
Following are some of the exceptional features of CMD from Hawaiian Ocean, USA: CMD is certified as GRAS Generally Recognized as Safe, KOSHER from Rabbinical Council of California, HALAL from the Islamic Food & Nutrition Council of America, GMP from Natural Products Association & Vegan from American Vegetarian Association.
Any other product without any such certifications will look like just chemicals mixed in water with no value at all. In addition to the above certifications, CMD has also been awarded Quality Excellence Award in 12th International Summit on Food Supplements held in USA, Global award in Natural Product Innovation Conference (USA), Perfect Product All-In-All Award in Health Category.
CMD is a clinical proven product. CMD is 78 times more concentrated than sea water. No other ionic mineral product is as naturally powerful. Attached is the letter from Hawaiian Herbals, USA which proves this statement.
Key benefits of CMD (Concentrated Mineral Drops) from Hawaiian Ocean,
USA: · Bone, Joint & Health-Taken as directed, many people have experienced dramatic results in improving and strengthening bones, joints and teeth, and eliminating unwanted calcium deposits.
* Re-Mineralize Distilled Water-1/4-1/2 teaspoon per gallon for fresh spring water taste.
· Electrolyte Replacement-Increased energy, vitality, and improved health by replacing and balancing soluble minerals in the body fluids.


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