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Reason 1Anderson's CMD is harvested from the shores of Utah’s Great Salt Lake, which has been studied as a self-purifying eco system and is the purest source of trace minerals and liquid ionic minerals, all are in the natural balance with the compatibility of human metabolism.
Reason 2MRI’s harvesting ponds are monitored by the security personnel round-the-clock and other security measures.
Reason 3Anderson's CMD Mineral Drops is most standard and fully tested for food-grade Certificate of Analysis specifications.
Reason 4Concentrated Mineral Drops CMD is subjected to extensive testing as per US Environmental Protection Agency standards to ensure the absence of any possible agricultural, industrial and environmental contamination.
Reason 5Anderson's CMD is tested by in house as well as by third parties researcher and passes the US Food Chemical Codex standard for heavy metal safety.
Reason 6Government agencies regularly inspected the MRI’s manufacturing operation and harvesting ponds for ConcenSea ™. Utah State Department of Agriculture, to ensure adherence to food-level GMP standards for FDA compliance.
Reason 7MRI’s Anderson's Mineral Drops is produced by using natural solar evaporation not through using artificial, external heat, which can alter the natural balance and positive effect of ionic nature of elements. Anderson's CMD™ is processed in long, slow and an intensive process- typically a two-year long process- before minerals achieve the optimal concentration and natural balance that comprise Anderson's CMD™.
Reason 8Most of the industrial companies add dyes in their salt brines in order to absorb more sun's heat and to speed-up the drying process, but in with MRI’s philosophy of producing an all-natural product, we does not use any chemical additives for evaporation and concentration process.
Reason 9Concentrated Mineral Drops is transported and stored in MRI’s own 100 per cent dedicated food grade bladders and tanks.
Reason 10MRI’s packaging facilities operate on current GMP standards and MRI is presently working to adhere to the new FDA GMPs just passed this year, which is one of the dietary supplement-level GMP standards.
Reason 11MRI has a history of safety since 1969.
Reason 12MRI has commissioned studies in US and as well as in other countries to check the unique balance of minerals found in Anderson's CMD to verify the quality of CMD Concentrated Mineral Drops. It is safe and effective in short-term as well as in long-term use.
Reason 13Anderson's CMD is Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) certified, ie. Anderson's Concentrated Mineral DropsCMD™ has passed verification by a panel of third-party experts, which is recognized by the US FDA, who agreed that Anderson's CMD™ harvested by MRI meet all the required the standards.
Reason 14All MRI employees and the employees of North Shore are trained in food-handling safety and they need to have valid Food Handler’s permits recognized by the State of Utah.
Reason 15MRI uses only pest-control methods, which is recognized as safe for food production areas.
Reason 16Anderson's CMD Drops is Halal certified.
Reason 17Anderson's CMD Mineral Drops is Kosher certified.
Reason 18MRI’s manufacturing site is registered under the FDA’s Public Health and Bio-Terrorism Preparedness and Response Act.
Anderson's CMD, manufactured by MRI, designated as proprietary seawater minerals, concentrated and desalinated (99% sodium removed) from Utah’s Great Salt Lake by natural solar evaporation. ConcenTrace® manufactured by is the Trade name, under which Concentrated Mineral Drops has been sold under in Canada since 1992. 


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