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For nearly 40 years, the guiding mission of the Anderson family - founders of MRI - has never wavered -to improve global well being through mineral based nutrition from Utah's Great Salt Lake.
The family's philosophy continues to be that our pure, natural minerals capture the true essence and character of the pristine, untouched, beauty of the Great Salt Lake and the seasons. However, it is these elements that ultimately craft MRI's exceptional minerals into the products people consume each day for health and wellness.
From left to right: Val Anderson, Matthew Anderson, Bruce Anderson, Corey Anderson,members of the Anderson family, majority owners of Mineral Resources International, Inc.,pictured at NorthShore, the family's harvesting operation. MRI was founded by Hartley and Gaye Anderson, the inventors of mineral supplements from Utah's Great Salt Lake.
The Anderson family is passionate about producing a natural, 100 percent pure mineral product made with great care and quality. In keeping with our philosophy, some of the rigorous steps we follow at MRI include the following
The Anderson family is passionate about producing a natural, 100 percent pure mineral product made with great care and quality. In keeping with our philosophy, some of the rigorous steps we follow at MRI include the following:
  • The Andersons' mineral concentrates are produced using only natural methods. In essence, it is the minerals that, literally, craft themselves - without the use of artificial ingredients, preservatives, or minerals sourced from facilities other than those controlled by the Andersons.
  • It is a laborious process to concentrate and harvest the minerals - nearly two years before the minerals meet MRI's exact specifications for concentration, balance, purity, etc.
  • During this nearly two-year labor of love, MRI's minerals are fully tested and constantly monitored to meet the exacting standards specified in our Certificate of Analysis
  • MRI subjects the minerals to extensive testing according to U.S. Enviromental Protection Agency approved methods
  • MRI tests the minerals at its in-house quality assurance labratory as well as independent, third-party labs. Our minerals pass the U.S. Food Chemicals Codex standards for heavy metal safety
  • Our storage and packaging facilities operate using GMP standards.
  • MRI's minerals are GRAS - (Generally Recognized as Safe), meaning they've been verified by a panel of third-party, scientific experts who have concurred that the mineral blends harvested by Northshore; manufactured by MRI, meet the standards to be designated as GRAS.
At MRI, we take "all-natural" and quality seriously. We firmly believe our minerals "express" their origins - the Great Salt Lake - as well as the care and quality that go into each of our products.
It's not hype - it is the very core of MRI's mission. It is our philosophy, the foundation of our business, our family, and the products we produce.


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