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Improving Global Well Being Through Community Giving

Community Giving Haiti

MRI's Mission: "To improve global well being through mineral nutrition"

At Mineral Resources International, Inc., (MRI), we are committed to not only improving people's health and lives, but improving the health and well being of the larger national and global community.
As a manufacturer of premium health products, we are in a unique position to help individuals and communities. We enjoy giving back and supporting our community in meaningful ways.
Recent Contributions in Brief
Below are a few of the recent efforts MRI has focused on:
  • Following the devastating earthquake that struck Haiti on Jan. 12, 2009, MRI has provided product donation of 4,200 rip-packs its pure electrolyte concentrate, elete Electrolyte Add-In™, to help hydrate men, women, and children combat the life-threatening effects of water-borne illnesses such as dysentery. 
  • In November 2010, MRI donated additional rip packs of elete to WTN Haiti Partnership, which were delivered to St. Vincent's School for Handicapped Children in Port au Prince, Haiti. Following the earthquake, the children were malnourished and dehydrated and didn't have access to clean water. MRI's donation was used to help hydrate more than 157 children at St. Vincent's. 
  • MRI has an ongoing product donation of $100,000 of elete electrolyte products for one percent of the U.S. deployed troops. This product donation will ultimately amount to:
    • 10,000 elete pocket bottles, which soldiers can carry with them to self-dose electrolytes as needed
    • 1,000 16-oz. refill bottles that each make 24 gallons of electrolyte water and can be used to refill elete's pocket bottles
    • 200 packets with pre-measured servings to add to 16-oz. of water for use by military medical personnel to treat those suffering from heat fatigue and dehydration
  • MRI provided a product donation, again, of elete, which totaled more than $5,000 to Floating Doctors, the world's first globally-mobile, self-contained medical aid and research vessel. Floating Doctors traveled to remote islands in the Pacific Ocean and communities in Central America and administered free medical care and supplies to the people and communities in need along these coastlines.
  • MRI partnered with its distributor in the Philippines, Health Code International, in providing both a monetary and product donation of its Anderson's Concentrated Mineral Drops™ to the NAMNAMA (Translation: Hope) Feeding Program in the Philippines. To date, more than 300 undernourished infants and children have benefited by receiving infant supplementary mixture fortified with MRI's CMD mineral complex, and more than 100 children continue to receive ongoing nourishment.
  • Following a 7.0-magnitude earthquake that struck Christchurch, New Zealand on September 4, 2010, MRI and its exclusive distributor for New Zealand, BioTrace, donated 351 bottles of MRI's stress-recovery formula to those affected by the disaster.
  • On May 23, 2011 a tornado swept through Joplin, Missouri killing 139 individuals and resulting in millions of dollars of property damage. In June 2011, MRI donated its Liquid Electrolyte Add-In through Nourish America, a non-profit organization that provides nourishing foods and supplements to people in need in America. This donation consisted of 35,000, 10-mililiter rip packs (each 10-ml rip pack makes 1 gallon of electrolyte water); 5,500, 6.45-ml rip packs (each 6.45 ml rip pack can be used in standard-size hydration packs); and 219, 8 oz. bottles for making large mixes of electrolyte water or drink.
The Anderson family and MRI will continue to focus on its mission and continue to make significant, long-term, contributions that make a difference in the health and lives of people and communities all over the world.
To learn more about our ongoing corporate philanthropy efforts, please chec


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