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How many drops of CMD do you need ?

Linus Pauling

CMD Cell Mineral Drops can be used by everyone, young and adults alike, including pregnant women. The list below serves as  a guide as to how many drops on average one should take to address a specific illness. CMD has no counter-reaction when taken together with other drugs.


Abrasions/Wounds-Apply directly on affected area and drink 15 drops 2x a day

Allergies – Apply directly on affected area and drink 15 drops 2x a day

Arthritis– Massage 2-3 drops of pure CMD or CMD with aroma therapy on painful area and drink 15 drops 2 x a day

Asthma – Put a few drops in inhaler or nebulizer and drink  15 drops a day

Burns – Apply directly on affected area and drink 15 drops 2x a day

Cancer/Tumor (includes Myoma, Etc. ) – Apply directly on affected area and drink 20 drops 2 x a day

Cataract & Eye Infection– Apply 1 drop/eye pure as tolerated or 15 drops/15 ml distilled water solution 3 x a day and drink 15 drops 2x a day

Cervical/Cerebral Disease –Apply on painful area and drink 15 drops 2x a day

Colds, Cough, Fever, Flu – Drink 15 drops 2x a day

Cold Sores (Singaw) – Apply directly on affected area and drink 15 drops 2x a day

Constipation – Drink 15 drops 2x a day

Diabetes– Drink 15 drops 2x a day

Diarrhea – Drink 1 drop pure for sudden attack to relieve spasm and 15 drops 2x a day

Epilepsy – Drink 20 drops pure for a sudden attack or seizure and drink 15 drops a day to prevent  further attacks.

 Falling Hair/Hair Loss/Dandruff – Massage scalp 2-3 drops and/or put a few drops in your shampoo and conditioner and drink 15 drops 2x a day

Fatique /Tiredness – Spray on nape and face to regain energy

Gingivitis (Gum Inflammation) – Add a few drops on toothpaste before brushing and drink  15 drops 2x a day

Headache, Migraine, Stomach & Abdominal Pain etc. – For sudden attack apply directly on painful area and drink 20 drops in 50ml water, maintain with 15 drops  2 x a day

Heart Enlargement/Arrhythmias – Drink 3-5 drops with water for the 1st week; 5-10 drops on the 2nd week, and  10-15 drops 2x a day for the succeeding weeks

Hypertension & High Cholesterol – Spray on face and nape to lower blood pressure and drink 15 drops 2x a day

Infertility – Drink 15 drops 2x a day

Insomia – Drink 15 drops 2x a day

Menstrual Cramps – Apply on painful area and drink 20 drops in a glass of water, maintain with 15 drops 2x a day

Pimples – Apply directly on pimples and drink 15 drops 2x a day

PoorEyesight – Spray or drop diluted CMD and drink 15 drops 2x a day

Pregnant Women – Drink 15 drops 2x a day for fetus optimum development

Psoriasis – Apply pure on affected area and drink 15 drops 2x a day

Skin Disease – Apply on affected area and drink 15 drops 2x a day

Skin Whitening and Smoothening – Add a few drops in your body lotion

Sore Throat/Inflammation/Tonsilitis – Gargle with diluted CMD and drink 15 drops 2 x a day before meals

Toothache – Apply 1 drop on affected area

UTI/Kidney Stones/Renal Diseases – Drink 15 drops 2x a day

Vaginal Infection/Itching – Wash affected area with CMD diluted in water, 30 drops per liter and drink 15 drops 2xa day

Vertigo (Hilo/Lula) – Drink 20 drops in a glass of water for a sudden attack and 15 drops 2x a day for health maintenance

Wrinkles – Apply directly on area and drink 15 drops 2 x a day


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