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Why Minerals Are Important For Oral Health?

Most of the minerals and vitamins are essential for healthy teeth and bone development, and of course calcium is the central player, but apart from calcium there are many more minerals and vitamins, which are important for bone development and healthy teeth. We all are aware about the fact that healthy diet can maintain or bring good oral health. But how to get those minerals and vitamins and what are their roles? Here are some suggestions that what kind of diet you should consume to get perfect oral health for beautiful smile.
1. Calcium: Our human body needs calcium for strong bones, jaw and teeth because it play vital role in nerve transmissions and muscle function. If you are consuming calcium on daily basis, so you can get the strong jaw and healthy teeth. For adults, 1,000 to 1,200 milligrams of calcium/day is recommended and if you are consuming little amount of calcium, so you can put your health at risk of tooth decay and gum disease.
Sources of Calcium: Milk, cheese, yogurt, broccoli, cabbage, beans and kale are the good source of calcium.
2. Magnesium: In human body magnesium supports more than 200 biochemical reactions and as well it is also necessary for teeth and bone formation, in nerve function to keep the heart beat regular. An adult women need to consume 310 to 320 milligrams magnesium/day whereas; an adult man need to consume 400 to 420 milligrams magnesium/day.
Sources of Magnesium: Spinach, nuts, spinach, bran cereal, whole grains, brown rice, almonds, cashews, dark chocolate and green vegetables are good source of magnesium.
3. Iron: If you are consuming a little amount of iron, so it can cause tongue inflammation or may be mouth sores because main role of iron is to transport enough amount of oxygen in all over body.
Sources of Iron: Red meat and fishes are the good source of iron.
4. Sodium: Sodium plays a vital role to stimulate nerve and muscle function and it also maintain the muscle contraction, relaxation and proper fluid balance in human body. Sodium helps in the absorption of other nutrients like; glucose, amino acids. According to research a perfect adult human body needs 180 to 500 milligrams of sodium/day. With the proper amount of sodium one can avoid the high blood pressure, heart diseases and liver disease.
Source of Sodium: Tomato, soups and prepared foods are the best source of sodium.
5. Chloride: It helps us to maintain acid-base balance in human body; chloride is an electrolyte, which works with sodium, potassium and carbon dioxide. Low amount of chloride can cause a serious conditions like; Addison’s disease, vomiting and congestive heart failure. An adult human should take 1,800 to 2,300 milligrams of chloride/day.
Source of Chloride: Olives, sea salt, table salt and tomatoes are the great source of chloride
Anderson’s Concentrated Mineral Drops (CMD) is the combination of nature and science, which contains all the essential minerals for the proper functioning of human body.
For more details visit us at or call us at 9820372907/65


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