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Mineral Deficiency and Depression

depressionFew of us are aware about the connection of nutrition and depression because anyone can easily understand that the nutritional deficiencies can cause any particular type of physical illness. Depression is one of the most typical problems because it involves negative thinking, biochemical based reactions in human body and emotional side of mind. According to medical experts, nutritional or mineral deficiency can play an important role in depression duration as our state of mind is directly connected with food patterns, so it is clear that if you use the wrong food patterns then you will have to bear the cost such as; poor appetite, depression, headache or more. Nutritional neuroscience is one of the most emerging fields, which researches on nutritional factors that are intertwined with human behavior, emotions and human cognition.
In present, depression is one of the common mental disorders and the reasons can be anything like; professional life, professional work or financial problem, but no one can ignore the wrong food habits. In present, Asian and American countries are facing schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) and depression problems due to improper dietary intake pattern, which directly lead the human body towards the mineral or nutritional deficiency. If you will analyze the medical reports of patients who are suffering from mental disorders, you will find that the deficiency of nutrients is the major reason for mineral deficiency.
Disadvantage of depression:
Sometimes people don’t like if anyone says that “are you in depression?” but it is recommended by medical experts and researchers that if you are facing such problems, then don’t hesitate to consult with your psychiatrist. There is one important point to remember that these mental disorders can lead you towards the higher risk of committing suicide or it can also case the drug toxicity, if you are taking wrong drugs or higher doses in depression period.
Cure for depression:
Supplements which contain amino acids, omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, iodine, zinc, magnesium, vitamin B complex and iron can reduce the symptoms and can cure the depression with other mental health problems. Good food choices and healthy environment can prevent the depression problems and you should also try to avoid stress. Depression is a harmful disorder, not only for health but also for professional life because it can increase loss of appetite, loss of interest in pleasurable activities, depressed mood and sadness or anxiety.


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