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Importance of Minerals for Elderly People

No one can ignore the age factor. As we grow old, our routine changes and so our diet. The quantity and quality of food we used to consume at a young age probably will not suit our body system when we cross 40 or 45 years. That is why experts suggest old people to keep a check on their consumption of calories and fatty acids. An older human body system isn’t perfect to digest fat and big amount of calories, thus, it’s important that aged people better start eating a healthy diet. Cut the names of fast food items from your dietary list and add the natural sources of vitamins and minerals. In addition, you can include vitamins or multi-mineral supplements in your regular diet plan.
Prior researches have proved that our body demands more dietary supplements in an old age. Doctors are emphasizing on boosting the levels of vitamins and minerals in an older body. This is highly essential to fuel the aged body organs which are comparatively down and weak.
We all must have witnessed our grandparents eating less. Reason is – they lose appetite in an old age, consequently, the body doesn’t receive important nutrition, which is mandatory for the effective functioning of the body. On the contrary, everyday uptake of medications, physical complications, diabetes, and even disabilities doesn’t allow an aged person to take adequate amount of vitamins and minerals. Moreover, cases registered in the hospitals also unveils that most of the elderly patients are either alarmingly low on vital nutrients or mal-nourished. And obviously, when the body isn’t armoured by imperative vitamins and minerals, it will certainly remain accessible to infections and diseases.
Unlike vitamins, minerals form in the earth and plants automatically absorbs the same. Animals consume minerals when they eat those plants. Following are the essential minerals which an elderly body demands to function aptly:-
Iron: The transportation of oxygen in the entire body is done by iron. It also powers our immune system to fight against foreign entities.
Calcium: Our bones become weaker as we grow old. This issue is more common in females, thus, it’s essential for women to consume calcium supplements, if possible. And more importantly, right levels of vitamin D are required by the body to absorb calcium. Thus, keep a check on that as well.
Zinc: The adequate availability of Zinc in the body can evade skin, nerves and body system problems.


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