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A Visit to MRI's Laboratory

At Mineral Resources International (MRI), quality assurance is our number one priority.

MRI is one of the few manufacturers in the dietary supplement industry to have its own QA laboratory and staff. Our quality assurance team, consisting of a full-time chemist, quality assurance manager and technician, work meticulously to ensure that MRI's products are the best the supplement market has to offer.

We endeavor to provide our global customers with quality products that are both safe and effective. Because of this commitment to quality, you will find that MRI's in-house quality assurance staff plays an integral role in assuring our customers of the quality and safety of MRI's products. Here are just a few examples:
  • Our quality assurance team carefully selects reputable ingredient vendors to ensure we receive the highest quality raw ingredients.
  • Incoming raw ingredients are tested to ensure they are free from contaminants, impurities and microbes.
  • Using atomic absorption and other validated testing methods, our laboratory staff verifies the potencies of each lot of minerals we harvest.
  • Each lot of liquid minerals produced from North Shore is extensively tested and re-tested for the presence of  harmful chemicals and pesticides.
  • MRI also regularly tests for the presence of heavy metals including lead, arsenic, mercury, and cadmium using Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved testing methods.
  • Each lot of MRI's tablets and powders are tested for the presence of microbes.
  • As part of MRI's adherence to Good Manufacturing Practices, we abide by detailed and precise standard operating procedures that govern each aspect of the manufacturing process to insure product integrity.
  • Both MRI's harvesting operation, North Shore Inc., and MRI's manufacturing facility are routinely inspected by Utah's Department of Agriculture (the state regulatory agency charged with regulating  food and dietary supplement manufacturing).

Lab Capabilities

In conjunction with MRI's custom-and private-label manufacturing services, MRI is one of the few manufacturers in the industry to have a full-time, in-house, quality assurance laboratory and staff. MRI's quality assurance staff and lab performs a number of crucial tests and functions to ensure the qualtiy and safety of MRI's products. MRI's lab capabilities include:
  • Microbiological Testing
    • Total Plate Count
    • Coliform Count
    • E. coli
    • Enterobacteriaceae
    • Staphylococcus Aureus
    • Pseudomonas aeruginosa
    • Yeast and Mold
  • Mineral Analysis
    • Magenesium
    • Calcium
    • Bron
    • Lithium
    • Sodium
    • Chloride
    • Sulfate
    • Potassium
  • Physical Properties
    • Ambient moisture
    • Total moisture
    • % Ash
    • Dissolution
    • pH
  • Stability Testing
    • Accelerated
    • Real-time


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